This Washington Post-ABC News poll was conducted by telephone October 8-11, 2008, among a random national sample of 1,101 adults, including additional interviews with randomly selected African Americans and 18-29 year olds, for a total of 150 black respondents and 201 18-29 year olds. The added interviews (commonly referred to as an "oversample") were completed to ensure there were enough respondents in each group for separate analysis; neither group was over-represented in the reported results. The results from the full survey have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points. Sampling, data collection and tabulation by TNS of Horsham, Pa.
*= less than 0.5 percent
1. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) How closely are you following the presidential race: very closely, somewhat closely, not too closely, or not closely at all?
---- Closely ----- ---- Not closely ----- No
NET Very Smwt. NET Not too At all opinion
10/11/08 RV 92 59 33 8 4 4 *
9/29/08 RV 89 58 31 11 7 5 *
9/22/08 RV 91 55 36 9 5 4 0
9/7/08 RV 89 51 38 10 6 5 *
8/22/08 RV 84 42 42 16 11 5 *
7/13/08 RV 79 36 42 21 12 9 1
6/15/08 75 34 41 25 12 13 *
5/11/08 83 39 44 17 13 5 0
4/13/08 84 37 47 16 11 5 *
3/2/08 84 42 42 15 11 4 *
2/1/08 81 35 46 19 12 7 *
1/12/08 79 32 47 21 15 6 *
12/9/07 72 21 51 28 19 8 *
11/1/07 67 21 46 33 22 12 0
9/30/07 69 21 48 30 21 10 *
7/21/07 70 22 48 30 20 10 *
6/1/07 66 18 48 34 22 13 *
4/15/07 66 20 45 34 20 14 *
2/25/07 65 20 44 35 25 10 *
10/11/04 RV 88 53 35 12 8 4 *
10/3/04 RV 87 48 39 12 7 5 *
9/26/04 RV 87 48 39 12 8 4 1
9/8/04 RV 85 45 40 14 10 4 1
8/29/04 RV 81 43 38 20 13 7 *
8/1/04 RV 80 41 39 20 13 7 *
7/25/04 73 34 39 27 15 12 *
6/20/04 78 33 45 22 15 7 *
5/23/04 74 33 41 26 17 9 *
4/18/04 75 30 45 25 16 9 0
3/7/04 75 33 42 25 18 7 *
2/11/04 75 30 45 25 15 10 *
1/18/04 66 22 44 35 22 13 *
10/29/03 54 15 39 45 30 15 0
9/13/03 56 16 40 44 27 17 *
10/9/00 RV 75 30 45 25 16 9 *
10/1/00 RV 75 27 48 25 17 8 *
9/6/00 RV 74 26 48 26 17 9 *
8/20/00 RV 74 28 46 26 16 10 1
8/10/00 RV 72 29 43 29 18 11 *
8/6/00 53 17 36 47 22 25 *
7/29/00 51 16 35 49 25 24 *
7/23/00 50 14 36 50 25 25 *
6/11/00 49 13 36 51 26 25 0
4/2/00 53 17 36 47 24 23 0
3/11/00 61 21 40 38 21 17 0
2/27/00 70 24 46 30 20 10 *
2/6/00 65 19 48 34 21 13 0
1/16/00 50 11 39 50 26 24 *
12/15/99 45 12 33 55 31 24 *
10/31/99 61 16 45 38 25 13 *
7/17/95 36 7 29 63 33 31 *
7/8/92 76 28 48 24 16 8 *
1/27/92 51 14 37 48 25 23 1
10/10/88 RV 77 31 46 23 17 6 -
8/18/88 RV 68 26 42 31 20 11 0
8/15/88 RV 70 27 43 31 19 12 0
5/25/88 76 25 51 25 19 6 *
8/23/87 50 9 41 49 31 18 *
6/1/87 50 11 39 49 32 17 *
2. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) I'd like you to rate the chances that you will vote in the presidential election in November: Are you absolutely certain to vote, will you probably vote, are the chances 50-50, or less than that?
Don't think Already
Certain Probably Chances Less than will vote voted No
to vote vote 50/50 that (vol.) (vol.) op.
10/11/08 RV 87 5 4 1 * 2 0
9/29/08 RV 87 6 5 1 1 *
9/22/08 RV 89 6 4 1 * *
9/7/08 RV 85 7 5 1 1 *
8/22/08 RV 84 10 4 2 * *
7/13/08 RV 79 10 7 3 2 0
6/15/08 71 9 8 7 4 *
3/2/08 78 9 7 4 2 *
3. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) If the 2008 presidential election were being held today and the candidates were (Barack Obama and Joe Biden, the Democrats) and (John McCain and Sarah Palin, the Republicans), for whom would you vote?
Other Neither No
Obama McCain (vol.) (vol.) opinion
10/11/08 53 43 1 1 2
9/29/08 50 46 * 2 2
9/22/08 52 43 * 1 3
9/7/08 47 49 1 1 3
8/22/08 49 45 * 2 4
7/13/08 49 46 1 2 2
6/15/08 47 48 1 2 2
Other Neither Would not No
Obama McCain (vol.) (vol.) vote (vol.) opinion
10/11/08 54 41 1 2 * 2
9/29/08 49 45 1 2 * 3
9/22/08 52 42 1 1 * 4
9/7/08 47 46 1 1 1 4
8/22/08 49 43 * 3 2 3
7/13/08 50 42 1 3 1 2
6/15/08 49 45 1 3 1 3
5/11/08 51 44 * 2 1 1
4/13/08 49 44 * 3 3 2
3/2/08 53 40 * 2 1 3
2/1/08 47 48 1 1 1 2
1/19/07 47 45 * 3 1 4
3b. (IF NAMED CANDIDATE) Would you definitely vote for (CANDIDATE), or is there a chance you could change your mind and vote for someone else? (IF CHANCE CHANGE MIND) Is there a GOOD CHANCE you'll change your mind, or would you say it's PRETTY UNLIKELY?
Definitely -Chance change mind - No
vote for NET Good Unlikely opinion
10/11/08 RV 86 13 6 7 1
9/29/08 RV 82 17 8 9 1
9/22/08 RV 83 16 8 8 1
9/7/08 RV 79 20 8 12 1
8/22/08 RV 73 24 11 13 3
7/13/08 RV 72 25 10 15 3
6/15/08 RV 72 26 11 16 2
5/11/08 RV 69 28 15 14 3
9/26/04 RV 82 16 4 12 2
9/8/04 RV 84 14 6 8 2
8/29/04 RV 81 18 7 11 1
8/1/04 RV 80 19 7 12 1
7/25/04 RV 78 20 7 13 2
7/11/04 RV 79 21 7 13 1
6/20/04 RV 73 26 12 14 *
Barack Obama:
Definitely -Chance change mind - No
vote for NET Good Unlikely opinion
10/11/08 RV 87 12 5 6 1
9/29/08 RV 83 16 7 9 1
9/22/08 RV 85 14 8 7 1
9/7/08 RV 78 21 9 12 1
8/22/08 RV 74 23 7 15 4
7/13/08 RV 72 23 9 14 5
6/15/08 RV 71 26 7 19 3
5/11/08 RV 71 25 13 13 4
John McCain:
Definitely -Chance change mind - No
vote for NET Good Unlikely opinion
10/11/08 RV 84 15 6 9 *
9/29/08 RV 81 18 9 9 1
9/22/08 RV 81 18 9 9 2
9/7/08 RV 80 19 8 11 2
8/22/08 RV 72 25 14 11 2
7/13/08 RV 71 28 12 17 1
6/15/08 RV 72 27 14 12 1
5/11/08 RV 66 32 17 15 2
4. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Have you voted for president in any year before this 2008 election, or is this the first year you'll be voting for president?
Voted before First time No opinion
10/11/08 RV 88 12 0
9/29/08* RV 92 8 *
9/22/08 RV 92 8 0
10/31/04 RV 90 10 *
10/30/04 RV 90 10 *
10/29/04 RV 89 11 *
10/28/04 RV 90 10 *
10/27/04 RV 90 10 0
10/26/04 RV 90 10 0
10/25/04 RV 90 10 0
10/24/04 RV 90 10 0
10/23/04 RV 89 11 0
10/22/04 RV 89 11 0
10/21/04 RV 89 11 0
10/20/04 RV 89 11 0
10/19/04 RV 91 9 0
10/18/04 RV 91 9 0
10/17/04 RV 90 10 0
10/16/04 RV 89 11 0
10/15/04 RV 88 12 0
10/14/04 RV 89 11 0
10/13/04 RV 89 11 0
10/12/04 RV 91 9 0
10/11/04 RV 91 9 0
10/10/04 RV 91 9 0
10/9/04 RV 89 11 0
10/8/04 RV 89 11 0
10/7/04 RV 90 10 0
10/6/04 RV 90 10 0
*9/29/08 and previous: "(Was this/will this be) the first time you've voted in a presidential election, or have you voted in previous presidential elections?"
5. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Do you think things in this country (are generally going in the right direction) or do you feel things (have gotten pretty seriously off on the wrong track)?
Right Wrong No
direction track opinion
10/11/08 RV 8 90 2
9/22/08 RV 14 83 3
8/22/08 RV 20 77 3
8/22/08 19 78 2
6/15/08 14 84 2
5/11/08 16 82 2
1/12/08 21 77 2
11/1/07 24 74 2
6/1/07 25 73 2
1/19/07 26 71 3
11/4/06 RV 39 59 2
10/22/06 30 68 2
10/8/06 32 66 2
5/15/06 29 69 2
11/2/05 30 68 2
10/24/04 LV 41 55 4
4/18/04 42 57 1
4/30/03 52 46 2
9/26/02 43 53 4
2/21/02 54 42 4
2/14/99 55 41 4
11/1/98 55 43 2
11/1/98 LV 55 44 1
8/21/98 57 40 4
7/12/98 50 45 6
4/4/98 55 41 4
1/31/98 61 34 5
1/30/98 61 34 5
1/19/98 44 50 6
8/27/97 39 57 4
6/8/97 37 60 3
3/9/97 34 62 4
10/17/96 RV 40 55 5
10/16/96 RV 42 53 5
10/15/96 RV 43 52 5
10/14/96 RV 44 51 5
10/13/96 RV 44 51 5
9/04/96 RV 40 54 6
8/21/96 28 67 5
6/30/96 26 70 5
3/17/96 27 70 3
1/21/96 27 66 6
1/3/96 21 77 3
4/5/95 23 73 3
1/4/95 27 68 6
10/31/94 27 69 4
7/20/94 26 70 4
3/27/94 28 69 3
1/23/94 31 60 10
11/14/93 25 69 6
8/8/93 26 71 3
6/20/93 26 71 3
4/26/93 27 71 2
3/11/93 36 57 7
2/28/93 37 59 4
1/17/93 31 63 6
12/14/92 35 60 5
10/27/92 RV 22 76 2
10/4/92 RV 18 78 4
6/7/92 14 83 3
4/9/92 16 81 3
3/11/92 18 79 4
1/15/92 19 78 3
11/10/91 24 72 4
10/29/91 26 71 3
8/27/91 31 60 9
7/28/91 30 67 3
6/2/91 39 57 4
4/9/91 42 51 7
2/26/91 58 39 3
1/27/91 49 48 4
10/14/90 19 79 2
9/9/90 36 60 4
8/20/90 35 60 5
7/24/90 37 60 2
5/21/90 39 60 2
3/26/90 44 53 2
2/4/90 49 48 3
1/16/90 48 49 3
5/23/89 42 55 3
3/16/89 46 52 2
1/16/89 LV 51 46 3
10/25/88 RV 49 46 6
9/27/88 48 44 8
7/11/88 40 56 4
5/25/88 35 59 6
3/21/88 40 56 4
1/23/88 39 59 2
12/13/87 49 47 4
12/2/87 35 61 4
9/23/87 43 54 4
6/29/87 35 62 3
4/13/87 37 60 3
3/9/87 38 58 4
1/18/87 39 56 5
9/8/86 50 48 2
1/26/86 45 47 8
7/29/85 52 43 6
1/16/85 59 36 4
5/22/84 47 48 5
12/13/83 43 51 6
11/7/83 51 44 5
4/12/83 41 54 4
3/2/83 43 53 3
1/25/83 58 39 3
1/25/83 43 52 4
10/11/82 35 57 8
1/30/82 39 56 5
2/80* 20 70 10
2/78 34 53 13
2/77 41 44 14
10/75 19 71 9
10/74 15 75 11
10/73 16 74 10
*2/80 and previous: Roper
6. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) What is the single most important issue in your choice for president?
-------------------------- 2008 -------------------------
10/11 9/29 9/22 9/7 8/22 6/15 5/11 4/13 2/1 1/12
Economy/Jobs 53 51 50 37 39 34 36 41 39 29
Health care 7 3 5 9 4 6 6 7 8 10
Iraq/War in Iraq 6 10 9 10 14 20 21 18 19 20
Corruption in
government 6 3 3 5 4 3 3 4 4 5
security 5 5 7 6 7 4 4 5 5 4
values 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
Abortion 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1
Foreign policy 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2
Gas/Oil prices/
Energy 2 1 3 4 4 6 2 1 * 1
Education 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
immigration 1 * 1 1 2 1 2 4 4 4
Taxes 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 * 1 1
Environment 1 1 * * 2 1 1 * 1 1
Federal budget
deficit 1 * * * * 1 * * * *
Change 1 2 2 2
Experience 1 3 1 2
Guns/Gun control * 1 * * 1 1 1 * * *
Housing/Mortgages * * 0 0 * * * * * *
Social Security * * 1 * * * * * * 1
Iran/Situation in
Iran * * 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 *
Stock market/Wall
Street * 1 0
Global warming 0 * 0 * * 0 0 0 * *
Credit problems 0 * *
None/Nothing * * 0 1 0 * * * * *
Other 6 6 7 7 8 6 7 7 6 9
No opinion 2 3 3 5 6 6 6 5 7 7
7. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president? Do you approve/disapprove strongly or somewhat?
-------- Approve -------- ------- Disapprove ------ No
NET Strongly Somewhat NET Somewhat Strongly opinion
10/11/08 23 7 17 73 15 58 4
9/29/08 26 10 17 70 14 56 3
8/22/08 30 13 17 66 16 50 4
7/13/08 28 12 16 69 13 56 3
6/15/08 29 10 19 68 14 54 3
5/11/08 31 15 16 66 14 52 2
4/13/08 33 16 17 64 15 49 2
3/2/08 32 15 17 66 16 50 2
2/1/08 33 17 16 65 14 51 2
1/12/08 32 16 16 66 15 51 2
12/9/07 33 17 16 64 14 50 3
11/1/07 33 17 16 64 13 50 3
9/30/07 33 15 18 64 14 49 3
9/7/07 33 16 17 64 15 49 3
7/21/07 33 16 17 65 13 52 2
6/1/07 35 17 18 62 16 46 3
4/15/07 35 17 18 62 14 49 2
2/25/07 36 19 17 62 12 49 2
1/19/07 33 17 16 65 14 51 2
12/11/06 36 18 18 62 13 49 2
11/4/06 40 24 16 57 12 46 2
10/22/06 37 21 16 60 15 45 3
10/8/06 39 23 16 60 12 48 1
9/7/06 42 24 18 55 12 43 3
8/6/06 40 23 17 58 12 46 2
6/25/06 38 20 18 60 12 48 2
5/15/06 33 17 16 65 18 47 2
4/9/06 38 20 18 60 13 47 1
3/5/06 41 24 17 58 14 44 1
1/26/06 42 25 18 56 14 42 2
1/8/06 46 29 17 52 13 39 2
12/18/05 47 29 17 52 12 40 1
11/2/05 39 20 18 60 13 47 1
10/29/05 39 22 17 58 13 45 3
9/11/05 42 27 15 57 12 45 1
8/28/05 45 27 18 53 12 41 2
6/26/05 48 27 21 51 11 40 1
6/5/05 48 27 21 52 14 38 1
4/24/05 47 25 22 50 13 38 3
3/13/05 50 31 19 48 11 37 3
1/31/05 50 34 15 45 11 34 5
1/16/05 52 33 19 46 11 35 2
12/19/04 48 27 21 49 12 38 2
10/20/04 50 30 20 46 11 35 4
10/17/04 LV 54 35 19 45 9 36 2
10/16/04 LV 54 35 19 44 10 34 2
10/15/04 LV 54 35 19 44 10 34 2
10/3/04 LV 53 36 17 46 11 34 1
9/26/04 50 33 18 45 13 32 5
9/8/04 52 35 17 43 11 32 5
8/29/04 50 31 19 47 13 34 3
8/1/04 47 28 18 49 13 36 5
7/25/04 50 32 19 47 13 34 3
7/11/04 48 31 17 50 11 39 2
6/20/04 47 30 17 51 13 39 1
5/23/04 47 31 17 50 14 36 3
4/18/04 51 33 18 47 13 34 1
3/7/04 50 32 18 48 12 36 2
2/11/04 50 30 21 47 14 34 2
1/18/04 58 35 24 40 9 30 2
12/21/03 59 39 21 38 15 23 3
12/14/03 57 37 20 39 10 29 5
12/7/03 53 32 21 40 13 27 7
11/16/03 57 34 23 39 11 28 4
10/29/03 56 30 26 42 13 29 2
10/13/03 53 33 20 43 13 29 4
9/30/03 54 34 20 44 15 29 2
9/13/03 58 35 23 40 14 27 2
9/7/03 56 34 22 41 13 28 4
8/11/03 59 37 22 37 14 23 4
7/10/03 59 35 24 38 13 25 3
6/22/03 68 45 23 29 11 18 4
4/30/03 71 50 22 26 17 9 3
4/16/03 74 52 22 23 9 14 3
4/9/03 77 58 19 20 6 14 4
4/3/03 71 54 16 25 7 19 4
3/23/03 68 NA NA 27 NA NA 4
3/20/03 67 NA NA 28 NA NA 5
3/2/03 62 38 23 35 13 22 4
2/23/03 60 NA NA 34 NA NA 6
2/9/03 64 42 21 34 14 20 3
2/1/03 62 41 21 34 13 22 4
1/28/03 62 43 19 36 13 23 2
1/27/03 59 39 21 37 15 22 4
1/20/03 59 36 23 38 16 22 2
12/15/02 66 37 28 32 12 20 2
11/4/02 LV 67 45 23 31 12 20 1
11/3/02 LV 67 45 22 32 12 20 1
11/2/02 LV 67 47 20 32 9 23 1
10/27/02 67 39 28 29 13 16 4
9/26/02 67 42 25 30 12 18 3
9/8/02 71 42 28 27 12 15 3
7/28/02 69 39 31 28 14 14 3
7/15/02 72 42 31 25 12 13 2
6/17/02 74 42 32 22 9 13 4
6/9/02 77 41 36 20 9 11 3
5/19/02 76 48 28 22 8 13 3
4/21/02 78 47 31 20 9 10 2
3/28/02 79 49 30 18 8 10 3
3/10/02 82 52 30 16 9 7 2
1/27/02 83 56 27 14 7 7 3
12/19/01 86 64 22 12 6 6 2
11/27/01 89 69 21 9 4 5 1
11/6/01 89 65 24 9 5 4 2
10/9/01 92 76 16 6 3 3 1
9/27/01 90 70 20 6 3 3 4
9/13/01 86 63 23 12 5 6 2
9/9/01 55 26 29 41 20 22 3
8/12/01 61 28 33 31 14 17 8
7/30/01 59 28 30 38 17 22 3
6/3/01 55 27 28 40 18 22 6
4/22/01 63 33 30 32 16 16 5
3/25/01 58 NA NA 33 NA NA 8
2/25/01 55 NA NA 23 NA NA 22
7. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president? Do you approve/disapprove strongly or somewhat?
-------- Approve -------- ------- Disapprove ------ No
NET Strongly Somewhat NET Somewhat Strongly opinion
9/29/08 26 10 17 70 14 56 3
8/22/08 30 13 17 66 16 50 4
7/13/08 28 12 16 69 13 56 3
6/15/08 29 10 19 68 14 54 3
5/11/08 31 15 16 66 14 52 2
4/13/08 33 16 17 64 15 49 2
3/2/08 32 15 17 66 16 50 2
2/1/08 33 17 16 65 14 51 2
1/12/08 32 16 16 66 15 51 2
12/9/07 33 17 16 64 14 50 3
11/1/07 33 17 16 64 13 50 3
9/30/07 33 15 18 64 14 49 3
9/7/07 33 16 17 64 15 49 3
7/21/07 33 16 17 65 13 52 2
6/1/07 35 17 18 62 16 46 3
4/15/07 35 17 18 62 14 49 2
2/25/07 36 19 17 62 12 49 2
1/19/07 33 17 16 65 14 51 2
12/11/06 36 18 18 62 13 49 2
11/4/06 40 24 16 57 12 46 2
10/22/06 37 21 16 60 15 45 3
10/8/06 39 23 16 60 12 48 1
9/7/06 42 24 18 55 12 43 3
8/6/06 40 23 17 58 12 46 2
6/25/06 38 20 18 60 12 48 2
5/15/06 33 17 16 65 18 47 2
4/9/06 38 20 18 60 13 47 1
3/5/06 41 24 17 58 14 44 1
1/26/06 42 25 18 56 14 42 2
1/8/06 46 29 17 52 13 39 2
12/18/05 47 29 17 52 12 40 1
11/2/05 39 20 18 60 13 47 1
10/29/05 39 22 17 58 13 45 3
9/11/05 42 27 15 57 12 45 1
8/28/05 45 27 18 53 12 41 2
6/26/05 48 27 21 51 11 40 1
6/5/05 48 27 21 52 14 38 1
4/24/05 47 25 22 50 13 38 3
3/13/05 50 31 19 48 11 37 3
1/31/05 50 34 15 45 11 34 5
1/16/05 52 33 19 46 11 35 2
12/19/04 48 27 21 49 12 38 2
10/20/04 50 30 20 46 11 35 4
10/17/04 LV 54 35 19 45 9 36 2
10/16/04 LV 54 35 19 44 10 34 2
10/15/04 LV 54 35 19 44 10 34 2
10/3/04 LV 53 36 17 46 11 34 1
9/26/04 50 33 18 45 13 32 5
9/8/04 52 35 17 43 11 32 5
8/29/04 50 31 19 47 13 34 3
8/1/04 47 28 18 49 13 36 5
7/25/04 50 32 19 47 13 34 3
7/11/04 48 31 17 50 11 39 2
6/20/04 47 30 17 51 13 39 1
5/23/04 47 31 17 50 14 36 3
4/18/04 51 33 18 47 13 34 1
3/7/04 50 32 18 48 12 36 2
2/11/04 50 30 21 47 14 34 2
1/18/04 58 35 24 40 9 30 2
12/21/03 59 39 21 38 15 23 3
12/14/03 57 37 20 39 10 29 5
12/7/03 53 32 21 40 13 27 7
11/16/03 57 34 23 39 11 28 4
10/29/03 56 30 26 42 13 29 2
10/13/03 53 33 20 43 13 29 4
9/30/03 54 34 20 44 15 29 2
9/13/03 58 35 23 40 14 27 2
9/7/03 56 34 22 41 13 28 4
8/11/03 59 37 22 37 14 23 4
7/10/03 59 35 24 38 13 25 3
6/22/03 68 45 23 29 11 18 4
4/30/03 71 50 22 26 17 9 3
4/16/03 74 52 22 23 9 14 3
4/9/03 77 58 19 20 6 14 4
4/3/03 71 54 16 25 7 19 4
3/23/03 68 NA NA 27 NA NA 4
3/20/03 67 NA NA 28 NA NA 5
3/2/03 62 38 23 35 13 22 4
2/23/03 60 NA NA 34 NA NA 6
2/9/03 64 42 21 34 14 20 3
2/1/03 62 41 21 34 13 22 4
1/28/03 62 43 19 36 13 23 2
1/27/03 59 39 21 37 15 22 4
1/20/03 59 36 23 38 16 22 2
12/15/02 66 37 28 32 12 20 2
11/4/02 LV 67 45 23 31 12 20 1
11/3/02 LV 67 45 22 32 12 20 1
11/2/02 LV 67 47 20 32 9 23 1
10/27/02 67 39 28 29 13 16 4
9/26/02 67 42 25 30 12 18 3
9/8/02 71 42 28 27 12 15 3
7/28/02 69 39 31 28 14 14 3
7/15/02 72 42 31 25 12 13 2
6/17/02 74 42 32 22 9 13 4
6/9/02 77 41 36 20 9 11 3
5/19/02 76 48 28 22 8 13 3
4/21/02 78 47 31 20 9 10 2
3/28/02 79 49 30 18 8 10 3
3/10/02 82 52 30 16 9 7 2
1/27/02 83 56 27 14 7 7 3
12/19/01 86 64 22 12 6 6 2
11/27/01 89 69 21 9 4 5 1
11/6/01 89 65 24 9 5 4 2
10/9/01 92 76 16 6 3 3 1
9/27/01 90 70 20 6 3 3 4
9/13/01 86 63 23 12 5 6 2
9/9/01 55 26 29 41 20 22 3
8/12/01 61 28 33 31 14 17 8
7/30/01 59 28 30 38 17 22 3
6/3/01 55 27 28 40 18 22 6
4/22/01 63 33 30 32 16 16 5
3/25/01 58 NA NA 33 NA NA 8
2/25/01 55 NA NA 23 NA NA 22
8. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Regardless of how you might vote, do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of (NAME)? Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat?
10/11/08 - Summary Table
------- Favorable ------- ------ Unfavorable ------ No
NET Strongly Somewhat NET Somewhat Strongly opin.
a. Barack Obama 64 44 20 33 12 21 3
b. John McCain 52 24 28 45 17 28 4
a. Barack Obama
------- Favorable ------- ------ Unfavorable ------ No
NET Strongly Somewhat NET Somewhat Strongly opin.
10/11/08 RV 64 44 20 33 12 21 3
9/7/08 RV 58 35 23 36 12 24 7
8/22/08 RV 62 37 25 34 13 21 4
6/15/08 RV 62 34 27 34 11 23 4
4/13/08 RV 57 28 30 39 14 24 4
1/12/08 RV 65 33 31 30 14 16 6
11/1/07 51 21 30 36 16 20 13
2/25/07 53 21 33 30 16 14 16
1/19/07 45 NA NA 29 NA NA 25
12/11/06 44 21 22 23 17 6 33
b. John McCain
10/11/08 RV 52 24 28 45 17 28 4
9/7/08 RV 59 31 28 36 15 21 5
8/22/08 RV 59 25 34 37 15 22 4
6/15/08 RV 57 20 38 39 18 20 4
4/13/08 RV 52 16 36 41 19 22 6
1/12/08 RV 61 25 36 31 18 13 8
11/1/07 43 10 34 42 23 19 14
2/25/07 52 13 39 35 22 13 13
1/19/07 49 NA NA 35 NA NA 16
12/11/06 50 17 33 31 20 11 19
5/15/06 55 20 35 31 20 11 14
3/5/06 59 22 38 29 18 11 12
6/5/05 57 NA NA 32 NA NA 11
7/30/01 57 30 12
2/27/00 60 21 19
10/31/99 36 22 41
9/2/99 22 10 68
3/14/99 20 10 69
9. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Regardless of who you may support, who do you trust more to handle [ITEM] - (Obama) or (McCain)?
10/11/08 - Summary Table*
Both Neither No
Obama McCain (vol.) (vol.) opinion
a. The economy 53 37 1 7 2
b. Helping the middle
class 59 31 1 6 2
c. The war in Iraq 48 47 1 4 1
d. Taxes 52 41 1 5 2
e. Protecting the Social
Security system 51 34 2 9 4
f. The U.S. campaign
against terrorism 43 49 2 4 3
g. Health care 59 30 1 6 4
h. An unexpected major
crisis 48 45 2 4 1
*Full sample asked items a-b, half sample asked items c-e, other half sample asked items f-h.
a. The economy
Both Neither No
Obama McCain (vol.) (vol.) opinion
10/11/08 RV 53 37 1 7 2
9/29/08 RV 50 43 1 3 2
9/22/08 RV 53 39 1 4 3
9/7/08 RV 47 42 1 4 6
8/22/08 RV 50 39 2 5 4
7/13/08 RV 54 37 2 6 3
6/15/08 RV 52 37 2 5 4
5/11/08 RV 48 38 2 8 4
3/2/08 RV 50 37 2 6 5
b. No trend
c. The war in Iraq
10/11/08 RV 48 47 1 4 1
9/29/08 RV 45 50 1 3 1
9/22/08 RV 49 45 * 4 3
9/7/08 RV 41 51 1 2 4
8/22/08 RV 46 46 1 4 3
7/13/08 RV 44 49 1 3 3
6/15/08 RV 45 48 * 3 3
5/11/08 RV 46 46 1 5 3
3/2/08 RV 44 48 * 4 4
d. Taxes
10/11/08 RV 52 41 1 5 2
9/29/08 RV 48 46 * 3 3
9/7/08 RV 45 44 * 4 7
8/22/08 RV 44 45 1 5 5
6/15/08 RV 47 42 1 6 5
e. No trend
f. The U.S. campaign against terrorism
10/11/08 RV 43 49 2 4 3
9/29/08 RV 44 52 1 2 2
9/22/08 RV 44 48 1 3 4
9/7/08 RV 36 56 2 2 4
8/22/08 RV 38 52 3 5 2
7/13/08 RV 39 54 2 3 1
6/15/08 RV 37 57 2 2 3
5/11/08 RV 33 55 5 4 3
3/2/08 RV 32 57 1 3 5
g. Health care
10/11/08 RV 59 30 1 6 4
6/15/08 RV 52 35 1 6 6
5/11/08 RV 55 31 2 7 5
3/2/08 RV 58 28 1 8 5
h. An unexpected major crisis
10/11/08 RV 48 45 2 4 1
9/29/08 RV 44 50 1 2 3
9/22/08 RV 46 47 2 2 3
9/7/08 RV 37 54 2 3 3
8/22/08 RV 41 52 2 2 3
7/13/08 RV 42 51 3 2 3
10. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Regardless of who you may support, who do you think [ITEM] - (Obama) or (McCain)?
10/11/08 - Summary Table*
Both Neither No
Obama McCain (vol.) (vol.) opinion
a. better understands the
economic problems people in
this country are having 58 28 3 10 2
b. would do more to bring needed
change to Washington 61 29 2 7 2
c. is the stronger leader 54 40 1 3 2
d. would do more to stand up to
lobbyists and special
interest groups 47 39 3 7 4
e. is more honest and
trustworthy 44 40 5 9 3
*Full sample asked item a, half sample asked items b-c, other half sample asked items d-e.
a. better understands the economic problems people in this country are having
Both Neither No
Obama McCain (vol.) (vol.) opinion
10/11/08 RV 58 28 3 10 2
9/29/08 RV 55 36 3 5 1
9/22/08 RV 57 33 2 7 2
b. would do more to bring needed change to Washington
10/11/08 RV 61 29 2 7 2
9/29/08 RV 61 33 1 3 2
9/22/08 RV 58 33 1 5 3
9/7/08 RV 51 39 * 5 5
6/15/08 RV 59 27 2 8 4
5/11/08 RV 60 28 3 6 4
3/2/08 RV 58 31 2 6 5
c. is the stronger leader
10/11/08 RV 54 40 1 3 2
9/29/08 RV 49 45 1 2 2
9/22/08 RV 47 46 2 1 4
9/7/08 RV 44 48 2 1 5
8/22/08 RV 49 44 3 2 2
6/15/08 RV 44 47 3 1 4
5/11/08 RV 42 47 3 2 5
3/2/08 RV 40 53 1 1 5
d. would do more to stand up to lobbyists and special interest groups
10/11/08 RV 47 39 3 7 4
8/22/08 RV 53 32 2 8 5
6/15/08 RV 53 35 2 5 5
e. is more honest and trustworthy
10/11/08 RV 44 40 5 9 3
9/22/08 RV 47 36 7 7 3
9/7/08 RV 38 44 5 7 6
8/22/08 RV 39 38 10 9 4
7/13/08 RV 43 40 7 6 4
11. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) So far during this campaign, do you think [NAME] has been mainly (attacking his opponent) or mainly (addressing the issues)?
10/11/08 - Summary Table
Attacking Addressing No
his opponent the issues opinion
a. Obama 26 68 6
b. McCain 59 35 6
a. Obama
Attacking Addressing No
his opponent the issues opinion
10/11/08 RV 26 68 6
8/22/08 RV 29 64 8
b. McCain
10/11/08 RV 59 35 6
8/22/08 RV 48 45 7
12. (ASKED OF LEANED OBAMA/MCCAIN SUPPORTERS) Thinking about his candidacy for president so far, how enthusiastic are you about [NAME] - very enthusiastic, fairly enthusiastic, not too enthusiastic, or not enthusiastic at all?
9/29/08 - Summary Table - Among Leaned Obama/McCain Supporters
--- Enthusiastic -- ---- Not enthusiastic ---- No
NET Very Fairly NET Not too Not at all opinion
a. Obama 95 61 34 4 4 * 1
b. McCain 90 38 52 10 7 2 *
a. Obama
--- Enthusiastic -- ---- Not enthusiastic ---- No
NET Very Fairly NET Not too Not at all opinion
9/29/08 RV 95 61 34 4 4 * 1
9/22/08 RV 94 62 32 6 4 1 *
9/7/08 RV 96 64 32 4 3 1 0
8/22/08 RV 95 52 43 5 2 3 *
6/15/08 RV 91 52 39 9 7 2 *
b. McCain
9/29/08 RV 90 38 52 10 7 2 *
9/22/08 RV 89 34 55 10 8 2 1
9/7/08 RV 92 46 46 8 6 2 0
8/22/08 RV 86 28 58 13 11 2 1
6/15/08 RV 74 19 55 25 19 6 1
13. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) If McCain were elected president, do you think he'd (mainly lead the country in a new direction), or (mainly continue in George W. Bush's direction)?
New Same No
direction direction opinion
10/11/08 RV 46 51 3
9/29/08 RV 46 53 2
9/7/08 RV 46 50 4
8/22/08 RV 40 57 4
6/15/08 RV 41 55 5
14. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Regardless of who you may support, do you think Obama does or does not have the kind of experience it takes to serve effectively as president?
Does Does not No opinion
10/11/08 RV 54 45 2
9/29/08 RV 52 45 2
9/7/08 RV 48 48 4
8/22/08 RV 50 47 3
6/15/08 RV 48 48 4
3/2/08 RV 49 46 5
15. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Do you think of [NAME] as a very safe choice for president, somewhat safe, somewhat risky, or very risky?
------- Safe ------ ------ Risky ------ No
NET Very Smewht NET Smewht Very opinion
a. Obama 55 29 26 45 22 23 *
b. McCain 50 18 31 50 24 26 *
a. Obama
------- Safe ------ ------ Risky ------ No
NET Very Smewht NET Smewht Very opinion
10/11/08 RV 55 29 26 45 22 23 *
9/29/08 RV 55 27 28 44 23 21 1
6/15/08 RV 50 18 33 48 29 19 2
b. McCain
10/11/08 RV 50 18 31 50 24 26 *
9/29/08 RV 51 23 28 48 28 20 *
6/15/08 RV 57 16 40 41 25 16 2
Compare to:
------- Safe ------ ------ Risky ------ No
NET Very Smewht NET Smewht Very opinion
7/23/00 57 18 39 40 24 15 3
2/27/00 58 24 33 40 21 20 2
9/2/99 53 17 36 44 26 19 3
7/23/00 59 20 39 38 24 13 3
2/27/00 61 22 39 37 17 20 2
9/2/99 66 22 44 31 23 8 3
16. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) If elected, [ITEM]. If you honestly assessed yourself, is that something with which you're entirely comfortable, somewhat comfortable, somewhat uncomfortable or entirely uncomfortable?
10/11/08 - Summary Table
------ Comfortable ------ ----- Uncomfortable ----- No
NET Entirely Somewhat NET Somewhat Entirely op.
a. McCain would
take office
at age 72 50 27 23 50 24 25 *
b. Obama would
be the first
president 91 74 16 9 5 4 1
a. McCain would take office at age 72
------ Comfortable ------ ----- Uncomfortable ----- No
NET Entirely Somewhat NET Somewhat Entirely op.
10/11/08 RV 50 27 23 50 24 25 *
9/29/08 RV 52 31 20 48 25 23 1
9/7/08 RV 56 32 24 42 23 19 3
8/22/08 RV 55 30 25 45 24 20 1
b. Obama would be the first African-American president
10/11/08 RV 91 74 16 9 5 4 1
8/22/08 RV 87 70 17 11 6 6 2
17. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) If [NAME] were elected president, do you think your federal taxes would go (up), (down) or stay about the same?
10/11/08 - Summary Table
Up Down About the same No opinion
a. Obama 45 19 33 4
b. McCain 42 11 44 3
a. Obama
Up Down About the same No opinion
10/11/08 RV 45 19 33 4
9/7/08 RV 51 13 31 5
b. McCain
10/11/08 RV 42 11 44 3
9/7/08 RV 34 9 51 5
18. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Which is more important to you in choosing a candidate for president: (their personal qualities such as experience and leadership ability) or (their positions on specific issues)?
Personal Positions Both No
qualities on issues (vol.) opinion
10/11/08 RV 41 48 10 1
9/7/08 RV 37 48 13 2
9/6/00 RV 45 41 14 1
8/20/00 RV 39 47 13 1
10/31/99 RV 42 42 16 *
19. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Do you think [NAME] views on most issues are too (liberal) for you, too (conservative) for you, or just about right?
10/11/08 - Summary Table
Too Too About No
liberal conservative right opinion
a. Obama 37 4 55 4
b. McCain 14 42 39 5
a. Obama
Too Too About No
liberal conservative right opinion
10/11/08 RV 37 4 55 4
6/15/08 RV 39 5 50 6
3/2/08 RV 33 5 55 7
b. McCain
10/11/08 RV 14 42 39 5
6/15/08 RV 18 35 41 6
3/2/08 RV 17 34 40 8
2/27/00 16 19 55 11
2/24/00 20 16 49 15
2/6/00 15 22 46 16
20. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) As a result of the two presidential debates that have been held, do you have a better opinion of (Obama/McCain), a worse opinion of him, or haven't the debates changed your opinion of (Obama/McCain) one way or the other?
10/11/08 - Summary Table
Has not
Better Worse changed No opinion
a. Obama 32 8 59 2
b. McCain 12 26 60 2
a. Obama
Has not
Better Worse changed No opinion
10/11/08 RV 32 8 59 2
9/29/08* RV 19 7 68 7
b. McCain
10/11/08 RV 12 26 60 2
9/29/08* RV 14 11 68 7
*Post-first debate: "As a result of the debate…"
21. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) When it comes to representing the interests of African Americans, do you think that as president Obama would do too much, too little or about the right amount? (IF TOO MUCH OR TOO LITTLE) Is that a big concern to you, or not a big concern?
------ Too much ------ ----- Too little -----
Big Not big Not big Big About the No
NET concern concern NET concern concern right amt op.
10/11/08 RV 14 8 7 5 2 2 77 4
6/15/08 RV 17 9 8 3 2 2 74 6
22. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) When it comes to representing the interests of large business corporations, do you think that as president McCain would do too much, too little or about the right amount? (IF TOO MUCH OR TOO LITTLE) Is that a big concern to you, or not a big concern?
------ Too much ------ ----- Too little -----
Big Not big Not big Big About the No
NET concern concern NET concern concern right amt op.
10/11/08 RV 47 40 7 11 4 7 39 3
6/15/08 RV 41 32 9 14 6 8 39 6
23. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) What do you think is the bigger risk - that (Obama will put in place too many government regulations), or that (McCain will not put enough government regulations in place)?
Obama, too many McCain, not enough Both Neither No
regulations regulations (vol.) (vol.) opinion
10/11/08 RV 38 47 3 4 8
24. (ASKED ON 10/10-11 ONLY) How confident are you that you will retire with enough income and assets to last for the rest of your life - would you say you're very confident, somewhat confident, not so confident or not confident at all?
----- Confident --- ------ Not Confident ---- Retired No
NET Very Somewhat NET Not so Not at all (vol.) opin.
10/11/08 44 10 34 49 25 24 7 1
10/16/05 69 30 39 28 16 13 2 *
7/15/02 55 18 37 40 21 18 5 0
7/15/01 68 33 35 23 10 12 7 2
7/4/99 54 21 33 39 21 18 6 0
7/21/96 45 16 29 47 25 21 7 1
25. (ASKED ON 10/10-11 ONLY) How do you feel about [ITEM] - very worried, somewhat worried, not too worried or not worried at all?
10/11/08 - Summary Table
----- Worried ---- ----- Not worried ---- No
NET Very Smwt. NET Not too At all opin.
a. The direction of the
nation's economy over
the next few years 88 48 40 11 8 3 1
b. Your own family's
financial situation 67 23 43 33 22 11 1
c. The performance of
the stock market 78 48 30 21 12 9 1
d. Your ability to get
a loan from a bank
or other financial
institution, if you
need one 44 19 25 51 24 27 5^
^ Includes "don't need a loan"
a. The direction of the nation's economy over the next few years
----- Worried ---- ----- Not worried ---- No
NET Very Smwt. NET Not too At all opinion
10/11/08 88 48 40 11 8 3 1
9/22/08 79 40 39 17 13 5 3
1/5/03 67 27 40 31 22 10 1
11/4/02 LV 76 34 42 23 17 6 1
11/3/02 LV 75 33 42 24 17 7 1
11/2/02 LV 73 32 41 26 19 8 1
10/27/02 75 27 48 23 16 7 2
10/27/02 LV 76 32 45 23 16 7 1
b. Your own family's financial situation
10/11/08 67 23 43 33 22 11 1
9/22/08 60 22 38 40 26 14 *
c. The performance of the stock market
10/11/08 78 48 30 21 12 9 1
9/22/08 72 33 39 24 15 9 4
11/4/02 LV 70 30 39 29 18 11 1
11/3/02 LV 67 28 40 31 18 13 2
11/2/02 LV 66 28 38 32 18 14 2
10/27/02 64 28 35 35 20 15 1
10/27/02 LV 71 37 34 29 17 12 0
d. No trend.
26. (ASKED ON 10/10-11 ONLY) Overall, do you think the stock market is a safe investment, or a risky one?
Safe Risky No opinion
10/11/08 19 79 3
3/13/05 29 69 3
7/15/02 19 80 2
1/15/01 35 61 3
5/7/00 34 58 8
6/6/99 37 52 9
10/13/97 27 69 4
8/31/97 32 54 14
9/14/88 16 71 12
27. (ASKED ON 10/10-11 ONLY) Now, thinking about all of your investments, including retirement savings at work, do you [IF MARRIED: or your spouse] currently have money invested in stocks or stock mutual funds, or not?
Yes No No opinion
10/11/08 58 42 *
7/15/02 55 45 *
1/16/00 48 52 1
8/29/99 49 50 1
5/10/98 49 50 1
9/14/97 44 55 1
11/5/87 34 66 1
10/19/87 40 60 1
2/28/87 32 68 *
28. (IF OWNS STOCKS/STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS AT Q27, ASKED ON 10/10-11 ONLY) Do you [IF MARRIED: or your spouse] personally own any individual stocks directly, or do you own stocks only through mutual funds or a pension plan?
Own stock Only through No
directly mutual funds opin.
10/11/08 39 58 3
7/15/02 40 58 1
27/28 NET
------- Investors --------
Mutual No Not No
NET Stocks funds op. investor opinion
10/11/08 58 22 33 3 42 *
7/15/02 55 22 32 1 45 x
29. (ASKED IF OWNS STOCKS/STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS AT Q27, ASKED ON 10/10-11 ONLY) Would you call yourself more of an active trader of stocks or stock funds, or more of a long-term, buy-and-hold investor?
Active trader Long term Both No opinion
10/11/08 2 95 * 3
3/25/01 5 92 2 1
30. (ASKED IF OWNS STOCKS/STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS AT Q27, ASKED ON 10/10-11 ONLY) Have you checked your financial holdings or statements in the past few weeks, or not?
Yes No No opinion
10/11/08 68 31 *
31. (ASKED IF OWNS STOCKS/STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS AT Q27, ASKED ON 10/10-11 ONLY) Have you changed any of these investments since the stock market started falling a few weeks ago, or have you left things as they were?
Left things
Changed investments as they were No opinion
10/11/08 13 87 *
32. (IF CHANGED, ASKED ON 10/10-11 ONLY) Have you only sold stocks or mutual funds since the market started falling a few weeks ago, have you only bought stocks or mutual funds, or have you bought some and sold others?
Only sold Only bought Bought some
stocks or stocks or and sold
mutual funds mutual funds others No opinion
10/11/08 20 7 58 15
31/32 NET
------- Changed investments ------- Left investments No
NET Sold Bought Both No op. as they were opinion
10/11/08 13 3 1 7 2 87 *
33. (ASKED ON 10/10-11 ONLY) Have you or anyone in your immediate family been hurt financially by the recent sharp drop in stock prices, or not? IF YES: Have you or they been hurt financially A GREAT DEAL or ONLY SOMEWHAT?
---------- Hurt ----------- Not Too soon No
NET Great deal Somewhat hurt (vol.) opinion
10/11/08 43 16 27 54 1 3
7/15/02 37 61 1 1
10/27/97 14 81 4 1
10/26/87 20 79 * 1
901. Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as (a Democrat), (a Republican), an independent or what? IF NOT DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN: Do you lean more towards the (Democratic Party) or (Republican Party)?
Lean Lean No
Democrat Republican Independent Other No op. Dem. Rep. Lean
10/11/08 LV 39 30 27 3 1 12 12 7
10/11/08 RV 38 28 29 4 1 14 11 9
10/11/08 36 26 31 4 2 15 12 10
9/29/08 LV 36 29 29 5 * 14 14 6
9/29/08 RV 36 28 30 5 1 14 13 6
9/29/08 34 26 31 8 2 17 12 12
9/22/08 LV 37 30 29 4 1 16 11 7
9/22/08 RV 38 28 29 5 1 16 10 9
9/22/08 36 26 31 5 2 18 9 11
9/7/08 LV 35 31 31 3 * 13 13 7
9/7/08 RV 36 28 32 3 1 14 13 9
9/7/08 35 26 33 5 2 15 14 11
8/22/08 LV 35 28 32 4 0 15 15 7
8/22/08 RV 36 26 33 5 * 16 15 7
8/22/08 36 23 34 6 1 16 14 10
7/13/08 LV 33 32 30 5 * 14 14 7
7/13/08 RV 37 27 31 5 * 14 14 9
7/13/08 37 24 33 6 1 16 14 10
6/15/08 LV 38 30 28 3 * 14 13 5
6/15/08 RV 38 26 33 3 * 16 13 7
6/15/08 38 24 34 4 1 16 14 8
5/11/08 RV 37 29 30 4 1 17 10 7
5/11/08 34 28 34 4 1 19 11 8
4/13/08 RV 37 30 29 4 * 14 12 7
4/13/08 35 29 30 5 1 15 13 8
3/2/08 RV 42 29 25 3 1 14 8 7
3/2/08 40 28 28 3 1 15 8 9
2/1/08 RV 38 28 28 4 1 14 11 9
2/1/08 37 26 32 4 1 16 11 10
1/12/08 RV 40 27 27 5 1 12 10 10
1/12/08 39 27 29 5 1 13 9 12
905. Are you registered to vote at your present address, or not?
Yes No No opinion
10/11/08 80 19 1
9/29/08 76 24 *
9/22/08 76 23 1
9/7/08 79 21 1
8/22/08 78 21 1
7/13/08 81 19 1
6/15/08 81 18 1
5/11/08 82 18 *
4/13/08 83 17 *
3/2/08 84 15 1
2/1/08 80 19 1
1/12/08 82 17 1
12/9/07 82 18 1
11/1/07 81 19 1
9/30/07 81 18 1
9/7/07 80 19 1
7/21/07 84 16 *
6/1/07 82 18 *
4/15/07 85 15 *
2/25/07 84 16 *
1/19/07 80 20 *
12/11/06 84 16 *
11/4/06 80 19 *
10/22/06 78 22 3
10/8/06 85 15 *
9/7/06 81 19 *
8/6/06 85 15 0
6/25/06 83 17 1
5/15/06 83 17 *
5/11/06 84 16 *
4/9/06 83 17 0
1/26/06 81 19 *
12/18/05 86 14 *
11/2/05 86 14 *
908a. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Would you say your views on most political matters are liberal, moderate, or conservative?
Don't think in No
Liberal Moderate Conservative those terms (vol.) op.
10/11/08 RV 22 44 34 * 1
9/29/08 RV 19 44 34 1 1
9/22/08 RV 23 41 32 2 1
9/7/08 RV 22 39 36 1 2
8/22/08 RV 23 42 33 1 1
8/22/08 22 41 33 2 2
7/13/08 RV 19 44 35 2 1
7/13/08 19 43 35 2 1
6/15/08 21 43 33 1 2
5/11/08 24 39 34 2 1
4/13/08 24 38 35 1 2
3/2/08 19 48 30 2 2
2/1/08 25 38 34 2 1
1/12/08 24 36 36 2 1
12/9/07 24 38 36 1 1
11/1/07 24 41 32 1 1
9/30/07 24 45 30 1 1
9/7/07 20 39 39 1 2
7/21/07 25 39 32 3 1
6/1/07 24 36 37 2 1
4/15/07 24 42 32 1 1
2/25/07 23 40 35 1 1
1/19/07 23 41 33 1 1
12/11/06 23 42 33 2 1
11/4/06 19 42 36 2 1
10/22/06 22 42 32 2 2
10/8/06 21 43 33 1 1
9/7/06 24 39 33 2 2
8/6/06 18 42 38 1 1
6/25/06 21 41 35 1 1
5/15/06 19 48 31 1 1
5/11/06 18 49 33 * *
4/9/06 21 41 35 2 1
3/5/06 22 42 33 2 1
1/26/06 21 40 37 1 1
1/8/06 20 40 37 2 1
12/18/05 22 42 34 1 1
11/2/05 23 44 32 1 *
9/11/05 22 44 31 2 2
8/28/05 20 44 34 2 1
6/26/05 21 44 33 1 1
6/5/05 23 40 35 1 *
4/24/05 20 47 30 1 1
911. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) What, if anything, is your religion?
Christian Other Non- No
Protestant Catholic (Non-Protestant) Christian None op.
10/11/08 RV 47 19 13 4 15 1
9/29/08 RV 47 23 11 4 12 *
9/22/08 RV 44 22 11 4 17 *
9/7/08 RV 43 24 13 4 14 1
8/22/08 RV 42 21 13 5 15 1
8/22/08 42 19 16 5 16 1
7/13/08 RV 46 21 13 4 11 *
7/13/08 44 21 12 4 13 *
6/15/08 42 24 12 5 15 *
5/11/08 42 22 15 4 15 *
4/13/08 45 22 14 4 13 1
3/2/08 42 21 12 5 17 *
2/1/08 42 21 13 5 17 *
1/12/08 44 21 14 4 15 *
12/9/07 43 21 13 4 16 1
11/1/07 46 21 15 6 13 1
9/30/07 44 21 14 6 15 *
9/7/07 46 21 14 4 13 *
7/21/07 46 20 14 5 12 *
6/1/07 44 22 14 4 15 1
4/15/07 42 21 17 5 13 1
2/25/07 44 21 14 6 14 *
1/19/07 44 23 10 5 14 1
12/11/06 42 21 12 2 16 1
11/4/06 48 23 12 2 12 1
10/22/06 44 21 14 3 15 1
10/8/06 44 19 13 5 15 *
9/7/06 46 19 12 6 14 1
8/6/06 45 23 12 3 16 1
6/25/06 45 23 12 4 14 *
5/15/06 46 22 14 4 12 *
5/11/06 46 24 10 4 13 1
4/9/06 42 24 14 5 14 *
3/5/06 44 21 14 4 14 *
1/26/06 46 24 11 4 14 1
1/8/06 45 20 12 4 15 1
12/18/05 44 21 13 3 15 1
11/2/05 46 21 11 6 15 *
9/11/05 44 23 12 3 15 *
8/28/05 44 23 14 3 13 1
6/26/05 46 22 10 4 16 *
6/5/05 47 23 11 4 14 *
4/24/05 47 21 12 4 14 1
911b. (IF CHRISTIAN) Would you consider yourself a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not?
Yes No No opin.
10/11/08 RV 44 53 2
9/29/08 RV 42 57 2
9/22/08 RV 45 54 1
9/7/08 RV 44 54 2
8/22/08 RV 44 54 3
8/22/08 46 51 3
7/13/08 RV 46 50 4
7/13/08 45 51 4
6/15/08 40 57 3
5/11/08 40 56 4
4/13/08 43 54 3
3/2/08 42 56 2
2/1/08 43 56 2
1/12/08 40 57 3
12/9/07 44 54 2
11/1/07 41 56 3
9/30/07 42 55 3
9/7/07 44 54 3
7/21/07 45 54 1
6/1/07 42 56 3
4/15/07 40 58 2
2/25/07 42 55 3
1/19/07 43 55 2
12/11/06 44 53 3
11/4/06 43 55 2
10/22/06 43 53 4
10/8/06 44 55 1
9/7/06 45 53 2
8/6/06 46 51 3
6/25/06 42 55 3
5/15/06 42 56 1
5/11/06 38 60 2
4/9/06 40 59 1
3/5/06 46 53 1
1/26/06 44 54 2
1/8/06 45 51 3
12/18/05 43 54 2
11/2/05 41 57 2
9/11/05 40 58 2
8/28/05 43 54 3
6/26/05 42 55 3
6/5/05 44 54 2
4/24/05 42 56 2
912b. Are you, or is anyone in your household, a military veteran?
------------------ Yes ------------------
Resp Other HH Both resp and
NET is member is other HH member are No No op.
10/11/08 RV 29 13 14 1 71 *
8/22/08 RV 31 14 16 1 69 0
7/13/08 RV 31 12 18 1 69 *
7/13/08 30 12 17 2 70 *
3/2/08 28 12 14 1 72 *
914. Are you:
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Married
10/11/08 RV 61 2 12 8 17
10/11/08 59 2 12 8 18
9/29/08 RV 64 1 9 8 18
9/22/08 RV 60 2 9 9 19
9/7/08 RV 60 2 11 9 18
8/22/08 RV 64 3 9 5 18
8/22/08 59 3 9 5 24
7/13/08 RV 59 3 10 8 20
7/13/08 55 3 10 8 25
6/15/08 53 2 10 9 26
5/11/08 55 2 9 8 25
4/13/08 53 1 12 8 26
3/2/08 54 3 10 7 27
2/1/08 56 3 10 8 24
918. Race
Other DK/
White Black Hispanic Asian Race No op.
10/11/08 RV 76 12 5 1 5 *
10/11/08 75 11 6 2 6 *
9/29/08 RV 79 11 5 * 4 *
9/29/08 76 12 6 1 5 *
9/22/08 RV 74 12 6 1 6 *
9/22/08 73 12 8 1 6 *
INCOME. (ASKED OF REGISTERED VOTERS) Which of the following CATEGORIES best describes your total annual household income before taxes, from all sources?
-------Less than $50k------- --------More than $50k--------
NET < 20k 20-35k 35-50k NET 50-75k 75-100k 100k+
10/11/08 RV 41 12 14 16 56 20 15 22
9/29/08 RV 42 10 14 17 56 18 16 22
9/22/08 RV 40 12 14 14 57 21 14 22
9/22/08 46 16 16 14 50 18 12 20
9/7/08 RV 44 13 14 17 56 17 15 24
8/22/08 RV 39 10 11 18 59 19 16 24
8/22/08 43 15 12 17 53 18 15 21
7/13/08 RV 43 14 14 15 54 16 14 24
7/13/08 48 18 15 15 50 16 12 21
6/15/08 47 18 15 15 51 18 15 18
5/11/08 47 15 16 17 50 18 13 19
4/13/08 47 17 13 17 51 18 14 18
3/2/08 44 14 13 17 52 17 13 22
2/1/08 48 17 16 15 48 18 12 18
1/12/08 46 12 18 16 51 19 13 19
12/9/07 49 14 17 18 48 15 15 18
11/1/07 48 14 16 17 49 16 13 21
9/30/07 53 17 16 20 44 18 12 14
9/7/07 43 10 17 16 54 19 15 20
7/21/07 46 16 14 16 51 18 13 19
6/1/07 49 15 18 16 49 18 13 18
4/15/07 46 15 16 15 51 20 13 18
2/25/07 46 10 16 20 51 20 14 17
1/19/07 49 16 17 15 49 16 13 20
12/11/06 46 11 16 19 51 18 16 17
10/22/06 52 16 20 17 45 16 11 17
10/8/06 46 13 16 17 51 22 13 16
9/7/06 51 16 18 17 47 17 15 15
8/6/06 49 14 16 18 48 20 12 16
6/25/06 50 16 16 19 47 19 11 17
5/15/06 52 14 18 21 46 16 13 17
5/11/06 46 9 18 18 53 18 15 20
4/9/06 53 16 20 17 47 19 12 16
3/5/06 50 16 18 16 48 20 12 16
1/26/06 52 20 15 17 46 18 12 16
12/18/05 54 17 19 18 44 18 12 15
11/2/05 52 14 18 20 46 19 13 14
9/11/05 55 18 20 17 42 18 11 14
8/28/05 52 18 15 19 46 18 11 16
6/26/05 49 14 17 18 49 19 14 16
6/5/05 55 15 20 20 43 17 13 14
4/24/05 55 15 21 19 45 18 12 15
921. Sex
Male 48 47 48
Female 52 53 52
Jackson fans' tribute at Apollo
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